"YNot: Why not?"

From the contraction of these two words comes the essence of our brand. Ynot represents the freedom to be oneself always and everywhere, wearing what makes us feel good and combining being and personality, spirit and appearance.
Ynot? It is both a question and an answer: why not look the way you want by wearing the style and accessories that best express your characteristics?
From this concept comes the identity and mission of our products, which become a vehicle of communication for one's identity and emotions. Feelings that can derive from symbolism, images and colours or arise from the dynamic and balanced contrast between modern and traditional design.
The varied lines inspired by our mood away from clichés and prejudices, offer a wide range of themes and textures with which you can mix your own message.
The best answer to constant impositions and unsolicited questions? It is simply: "Ynot?"!